
A Python Re-Implementation of LIG-Aikuma

Posted: February 16, 2023

Williaikuma is a partial re-implementation of LIG-Aikuma (Gauthier et al., 2016), itself an extension of Aikuma (Bird et al., 2014). For now, only text elicitation and respeaking modes have been re-implemented. Contrary to LIG-Aikuma, Williaikuma allows the user to freely go back and forth between sentences. Pre-filled Praat TextGrid files can also be generated for each recording.

Williaikuma was successfully tested in Bolivia in October and November 2022 to record 3+ hours of speech in Tsimane’. The application was used by 2 mildly computer-literate informants and by 1 non-computer literate informant.

Williaikuma is available on my GitHub!

Text-Elicitation Interface
Text-Elicitation Interface
Respeaking Interface
Respeaking Interface
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